Milan Zimmermann - Resume
Architect and develop multi-tier applications, utilizing my Java, Web, and Object Oriented design and development skills.
Skills Summary
Languages: | Java 1.1 to 1.4 including J2EE. C++, VB, UNIX shell, awk. Markups: HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS. |
Databases: | ORACLE, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Firebird, MySQL, JDBC, ODBC. |
OS: | GNU/Linux (Debian, SuSE), Solaris, AIX, Windows 2000 |
Tools: | UML (Magic Draw), Eclipse, IDEA, NetBeans, CVS, emacs. |
Middleware: | Servlet Engines (Tomcat), EJB Containers (JBoss, WebSphere), CORBA. RMI, JNLP and other protocols. |
Web Tools: | Java WebStart, Applets, Tomcat, Apache Web Server. |
Strong Interest: | Squeak, Smalltalk, JINI, Distributed development. |
Position: | Systems Architect |
Utilized: | Java, Hibernate, Airlift, MDA, J2EE / Tomcat, UML (MagicDraw), XML pull, MySQL, Eclipse |
Overview: | Using the Airlift framework, developed a staffing and statistical processing and forecasting application for our client, Anestesiology Medical Group Inc. The application allows to import large volume of hospital billing data using a highly efficient XML pull parser, and use the data to analyse and predict anestesiology staffing needs, both doctors and nurses. This application has been developed from scratch, and applied not only at AMG, but also rapidly gained new clients. |
I Provided, among others:
- Design and development of the application's core analyses layer.
- Implementation of business requirements as the analyses layer data structures and processes.
- Continued work on the Airlift Model Driven Architecture(MDA) library, mainly the Hibernate back-end.
- The application uses my MDA UML converter to define and maintain the application's Entity Model. The UML converter allows for a full-cycle UML based development of enterprise applications' entity models, generation of business entity interfaces and classes, and entity model evolution without affecting existing busines logic.
- Specifications of the XML import format that clients use to import billing data into the application persistence, and implemented efficient import process using a XML pull parser.
- Developement of a mechanism which allows selected data to be grouped and re-grouped on the fly into N-dimensional cells, followed by a sequence of processes, each "piping" output from one process into another process' input, and finally presenting the results to user.
- Developement of statistical methods and wrappers of Forecasting methods (exponential smoothing, regression etc, using Open Forecast) and integrated them into the AMG application.
- The above mentioned statistical and forecasting methods provide basis for staffing prediction, optimization, availabilty and vacation planning and general resource scheduling methods.
For Actek's Acom3 project:
- Designed and implemented pluggable interface to external LDAP authentication, allowing clients to utilize their enterprise-standard authentication for the ACom3 system.
- Implemented commission modules such as broker draw processing, reserve calculations, bonus processing and others.
- For the portal module, developed an import framework which allows to plug in client-specific preprocessors, import data from legacy systems, and/or interact with legacy systems.
- Provided implementations of the above import preprocessors for clients such as CDPHP, Asante, Metlife and others.
- For the Airlift Framework, Designed and Developed, among others:
- Swing Presentation Layer data-aware components including JTable by implementing component Models from Application Layer Control Nodes (MVC).
- Memory Based Service Layer and Datastore which allows Polymorphic storage, updates and queries. The Datastore is persistable as Serialized Object Graph, and implements Fetches (with Constraints, Sorting etc), Updates and other services for the Application Layer.
- HTML Presentation Layer generated by Xalan XSLT. This layer runs inside servlet engine such as Tomcat.
- Application developers utilize UML to provide persistence-type independent Entity Model. Designed XSLT converters which convert application entity definitions from any XMI 1.1 compatible UML into the Airlift XML Entity Schema format.
- Co-designed various XML formats used in the framework, in particular Airlift Import XML. This is a Persistence-type independent Import Format for importing hierarchies of data. Utilized SAX2 to provide highly efficient implementation.
- A GUI-based data-interface builder - this application allows to build interfaces between different persistence types such as between flat files and relational database, flat files and XML files and others.
- For the Actek Framework, Designed and Developed:
- Data-aware components including integration of Swing JTree, JTable and other components into the transactional framework (by implementing component models as fields in panel-requested entities).
- Focus driven menu and action system with dynamic items enabled/disabled based on panel in focus.
- Asynchronous model for remote Query and Update services in the Application Server, RMI remote services (report service, administration, etc).
- Remote Administration Console for the Application Server which allows remote monitoring and administration of pooled connections, users and memory monitoring.
- Java 2D / Swing based printing.
- Utilizing the Actek Framework, developed multiple systems for Actek's clients in
medical insurance industry such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Cigna and others.
Provided systems design, development and services for Actek's clients, including:
- JDBC based data conversion and migration programs.
- Server generated HTML reports as well as client-side reports.
- Developed and instructed training on the Actek Framework API for Blue Cross Blue Shield development staff.
- Designed Data Model, Business Objects, processes and GUI for Revere's Enterprise Resource Planning, Shutdown Planning and Scheduling System.
- Designed and developed a Graphical Interactive Network Diagram with a smart auto-layout system. The network diagram is fully interactive, adding activities into the network, or modifying predecessor/successor relationships is performed simply by dragging and droping activity end-points. Activities on the Critical Path, delayed activities are visually marked for fast visual identification. Several screenshots of the network diagram in action can be viewed online, see box on the right.
- Wrote Data conversion utilities and interfaces in Java.
- Developed Scheduling and Manpower Balancing system for large-scale Project Management in C++ and Visual Basic. This scheduling system is the core of Revere's Shutdown Planning system. Features Critical Path Method, project float calculations, resource scheduling/levelling based on prioritized scheduling rules.
- Designed and programmed a Network Renumbering process, that follows logical flow of activities in a network graph and renumbers them based on distance from origin.
- Utilizing AWK, wrote multiple code-generators and code convertors (PL/SQL to Transact-SQL and VB to C++ conversions)
- Developed application user interface layer in Uniface and Visual Basic.
- Wrote ORACLE 7.3 and Sybase 11 stored procedures and triggers as well as Pro*C and DB-library applications.
- Performed most system administration tasks in a 10 person office, including ORACLE, AIX and Solaris, Windows 95 and NT administration, Linux installations, network administration, backups etc.
- Performed on-site installations and initial implementations for Revere's clientele in North America, Europe and Middle East.
- For the redesigned Turnaround Scheduling and Manpower Balancing system, developed database access, business logic and application classes in C++.
- Wrote Oracle and Sybase stored procedures and triggers, as well as database interface in Pro*C.
- Wrote a command line editor/history in C, interfacing C and FORTRAN programs.
- UNIX system programming on the AIX and UNIX Interactive.
- Socket based server in C which enabled to reuse legacy application in a client-server environment.
- UNIX shell programming (Korn shell, Bourne shell, Linux bash shell).
- Group Leader in Turnaround Scheduling team.
- Modeling and numerical methods.
- Research, IBA Modeling. Software development in Fortran and porting from ICL to IBM mainframes.
Education and Qualifications
Feb 99 | Sun Certified Programmer for the Java2 Platform. | |
Sep 92 - Aug 94 | Graduate studies at the University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics. My M.Sc. Thesis, Numerical solution of blowing up non-linear heat equations, is now available online as PDF and HTML, supervisor Dr. Catherine Sulem. | Master of Science, 1994 |
Sep 79 - Jun 84 | Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic. My Specialization was "Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering". | Graduate Engineer |
My Graduate Engineering Thesis was M1 Transitions in IBA Model (nuclear models), supervised by Dr. Dobes. |
Contact Info
Name | Milan Zimmermann |
Address | 1030 Falgarwood Dr. #68, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2P5 |
Telephone | 905-815-9814 | | |
Blog | |
Status | Married, two children. Canadian Citizen. |
Available on request. For me not to publish my referee's emails and phone numbers online, please request.
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